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Do you like creative inventions? Take a look to this list of creative inventions which can be totaly handy for some of you...

#1 The Rolling Bench That You Can Use After Rain
 The Rolling Bench looks like an ordinary bench with the exception of a winding handle. The handle rotates the seat surface to expose the dry/clean one.

#2 Hour Glass LED Traffic Lights
 Sand Glass is a concept traffic-light which gives visual feedback as to just how long you’re going to be stuck at a junction.

#3 Ping Pong built-in Door
This cool door is for all you big kids out there, designed by Tobias Fränzel, the door flips into a ping pong table, all ready for gameplay.

#4 Mirror Wiper
Simply attach it to your mirror with the suction cup. When your mirror is fogged up, rotate it like a windshield wiper to wipe the mirror clean of steam. One quick swipe and you'll see things clearly again.

#5 Rotating 360° Lego Sockets
Rotating 360° is a multi-outlet socket system that allows you to add many sockets to the strip, in a style similar to LEGO.

#6 Pizza Scissors
Cut and serve a full size pizza with ease with the pizza scissors spatula. This brilliant kitchen tool merges scissors and a spatula so you can cut and pick up.

#7 The Dogbrella
The Dogbrella's makers claim the product has a number of benefits for both dogs and their masters.

#8 Baby Shower Cap
This shower cap has a built in band for a secure and comfortable fit around the head.

#9 Lock Cup
Cup which prevents most people from using it. Only the owner of the cup can use his shaped key to close the hole, pour the coffee and enjoy the drinking.

#10 Gulping Yolkfish Egg Separator
Helps to separate eggs

#11 Reusable Candle
Designer Benjamin Shine has created a piece that will help you save money (and candles) with the clever ‘Rekindle Candle.’

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