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   Imagine flying on an airplane and being able the clouds all around you. That’s what one company plans on achieving in the next 10 years -- an airplane without windows.

   The Centre for Process Innovation (CPI), a U.K.-based cutting edge technology association, envisioned the next generation aircraft in efforts to conserve fuel, while drastically transforming the customer experience.
Matthew Herbert, marketing manager for CPI says, “The windows will be replaced by high quality flexible OLED displays that are connected to digital cameras integrated into the exterior of the plane.”

Technicon Design’s IXION Windowless Jet designs reveal private plane with screens covering the cabin walls and ceiling instead of windows.
 The award-winning IXION Windowless Jet designs created by Technicon Design show a private aircraft with screens covering the walls and ceiling of the fuselage — and there’s not an porthole in sight. 

 Cityscapes from the sky: Images from other places could also be displayed on the screen. 

   The screens would work with ‘existing or very near future technology.’

Are you one of those who love to sit by the window in-flight and enjoy the view outside?
Boston engineering firm Spike Aerospace is building a windowless supersonic jet that will be able to fly from London to New York in under four hours, and will offer passengers digital views of their surroundings.

Time isn’t just a luxury; it’s an opportunity. It’s a chance to accomplish more, build more, invest more, enjoy more, relax more. That’s why we are designing the Spike S-512, so you can reach international destinations in half the normal flight time. Be faster, be more efficient, be first.

 Spike Aerospace is designing and building the world’s first supersonic business jet – the Spike S-512. A 12-18 passenger jet that cruises at Mach 1.6 (1100 mph) — reducing flight time by 50%. The jet features a number of aerospace engineering innovations. 

 Compiled from;

   Unfortunately, we have to wait longer for The Wonder Woman's Invisible Plane. 
It is a little higher technology ...

Have a Nice Flight!

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